Category Archives: YOUTUBE shit

Steve Albini Interview 2018

For those of you that have had the pleasure of working with me as an audio engineer… or perhaps you have been in the coffee shop and noticed there is a drink titled “Steve Albini…” this is the guy. He’s a solid mentor and I deeply appreciate his views on the music industry and the overall creative processes involved. I hadn’t seen this interview until earlier this week and now that I’ve watched it twice, I wanted to share it. Enjoy.

That’s enough rambling out of me for the moment. I’m going to go grill some chicken thighs.


Not all heroes wear capes. Some of them just dress normally and spend copious amounts of time building smokers in their garages. Thanks to this video, I’ve now spent the last hour watching DIY smoker builds. Now I need to find someone to teach me how to weld.