Shredmageddon 2011
Reber Recording has teamed up with Doc’s Music Hall to organize the first Shredmageddon Guitar Solo Contest in Muncie, Indiana! Our goal is to find the best guitar players in Muncie and bring them to the stage to share their talents with the music-loving public.
- All contestants must register @ Doc’s Music Hall and pay the $10 registration fee before April 13th in order to compete.
- Contestants must perform ORIGINAL COMPOSITIONS ONLY.
- Each contestant will be given a 5-minute time-frame in which to execute their solo. It’s up to the contestant as to how much of the five minutes they wish to utilize. Solos may be shorter than 5-minutes but no longer than 5-minutes.
- FX Pedals of all makes and models are allowed in this contest.
- Loop Machines are allowed under the condition that no pre-recorded loops will be used. All loops must be created within the 5-minute performance.
- No refunds will be issued for any reason other than the event being canceled by either the venue or the event organizer.
The contestants will be critiqued by a panel of five people. Four of the judges will be experienced guitarists with the fifth representing the non-guitar-playing populace. All contestants will be judged based upon the following criteria.
- Originality (20%)
- Creativity (20%)
- Technical Proficiency / Technique (30%)
- Stage Presence (10%)
- Versatility (20%)
Judges will be announced one week before the event.
- 1st Place: $100 + Plaque + 3 10-hour days of recording time at Reber Recording.
- 2nd Place: Plaque + 1 10-hour day of recording time at Reber Recording.
- 3rd Place: Plaque