Tag Archives: Kickstarter

Kickstarter Campaign for When, Not If

The good boys in When, Not If have started a kickstarter campaign to raise the necessary funds to record a full-length album here at Reber Recording! With your help, this will be the third album that I have had the pleasure of recording thanks to kickstarter funding. Take a quick moment to MFT#001 featuring When, Not If to check out what some of the new songs sound like when performed live. Now… Imagine how much more awesome they will sound when we get to take our sweet time going over all the details!

The Bonesetters on KickStarter.com

These guys spent 14-days recording here at Reber Recording in Muncie, Indiana. Sadly, the record label that was footing the bill (ahem.. Mossback Records) ended up crashing and burning in a horribly unpleasant mess of poverty and despair. However, like a magnificent phoenix, The Bonesetters are unshook. They are determined to find the necessary funds to get their album off of the studio shelf and into the ears of their fans. BUT THEY NEED YOUR HELP!!!! Please donate whatever money you can spare and help them to put out this record. They have worked really hard to make it sound as large and amazing as possible. They really really really really want you to hear it. I want you to hear it as well. So, let’s make it happen! Open up your digital wallets and make it rain!


Mikey Mason KickStarter

Mikey Mason, a full-time comedian, is currently raising funds so that he can record a full-length release about his inner geek at Reber Recording. He has created a kickstarter account in the hopes that enough people out there will be interested enough to donate their hard earned cash to make this dream a reality. He only has a few more weeks to reach his goal so if you appreciate comedy and would like to help make this happen, stop by his kickstarter page and donate!

URL: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1282225399/mikey-masons-comedy-album-for-geeks-like-him