My buddy, Sam, from Grad School turned me on to this video from WIRED.COM about a guy that created a symphony using computer parts and vintage/old video game consoles and computer parts. The composer’s name is James Houston. The piece demands respect but the song is mediocre at best. That said, I think his geek factor makes up for whatever the song lacks.
Tag Archives: Video Games
Classic NES
Today I added the Wii to the game room so that my wife, Lauren, could get her old-school video game on. She’s not much of a gamer but she has a video-game-boner for NES games. As soon as I hooked it up she started playing Super Mario 3. In other news, I need to come up with a better name for this “game room” because the current name just isn’t cutting it. It’s got a sort of rustic cabin feel to it so I’ll have to incorporate that into the name somehow. I’m sure something will come to me at some point.
Late Birthday Gift
My sister came home over the weekend. While she was visiting, she bought me a few things for my birthday. She’s a few weeks late but it’s all good. I’m not going to hold a grudge. Nope. I’m just going to play this new Resident Evil game and snack on candy. Sweet, sweet candy.