Category Archives: News

The Bonesetters

The Bonesetters

image taken from their Facebook Page

Reber Recording will be occupied by The Bonesetters for the next couple of weeks while they work with Jason Homyak to record their first LP to be released by Mossback Records. This band is really making a name for themselves and from what I’ve heard I can see why!

The Bonesetters are the first band to bring their own engineer, Jason Homyak, into Reber Recording. I will be taking the role as Co-Engineer to assist them with any questions or issues that may arise during the recording process. I will also offer my advice on microphone selections and techniques.

That’s all for now… I’ll be sure to keep you posted.

Studio Desk Upgrade

I spent the majority of today transporting and assembling my new Argosy 70-DM4800-R Console Desk which will be replacing the old wooden Ponderosa table that I’ve been using up until this point. The desk came in 13 separate boxes! Putting it all together was quite a task. To this day, this is the most elaborate piece of furniture that I’ve ever pieced together.

Although the old Ponderosa table has served me well over the years, I’m glad to see it go. Despite it’s sturdy and rugged nature, it just doesn’t look professional. That, and it was a tad on the small side. It’s going to be awesome to work on such a large console desk.

Ball State Recording

David Letterman Studios @ Ball State University

David Letterman Studios @ Ball State University

One of the advantages that comes with attending Ball State University is the fact that I get to take advantage of the studio facilities of the David Letterman Building’s studios. This last semester I worked with a team composed of five individuals (myself included) to record a 5-song demo for a band of our choosing. The band we chose was “Apsara” with whom I’ve had the pleasure of working with beforehand.

Each of the team members was responsible for one of the five tracks to be recorded. I was assigned a song titled “Boredom Breeds Chaos” which also happens to be the title of the Demo EP.  I spent my sweet-ass time crafting my assigned song to the liking of Apsara in addition to the standards set by professor Stan Sollars.

The file below is my final 44.1 – 24 bit Pro Tools bounce in WAV format.

Apsara – What is True

Last Sunday I recorded a demo version of “What is True” for the band Apsara. The demo session was video-taped and synced for submission to the Verizon Wireless Music Center booking department. The band was nice enough to send me a copy of their submission video so that I could share it with everyone checking out the Reber Recording website.